Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Theory Present Perfect Tense



1.  Kalimat Positif
S+have/has+been+N/Adj./Adv. Of Place
Kata havedigunakan untuk subjek i, you, we, they atau subjek jamak. Kata hasdigunakan untuk subjek he, she, it atau subjek tunggal.
·        I have been a teacher for about ten years.
·        They have been in jakarta for ten days.
·        He has been sick for three days.
·        She has been a teacher for ten years.
·        Dewi has beensick for fivee days.
·        They have finishedtheir honework.
·        We have done our job.
·        He has written two novels.
·        She has invited him to the party.
·        It (the dog) has bitten the boy.

2.  Kalimat Negatif

S+have/has+not+been+N/Adj./Adv. Of Place
·        I have not (haven’t) been a doctor but a teacher for ten years.
·        Dewi has not been in jakarta for fave days.
·        He has  not been sick for ten days.
·        Dewi has not finished her homework.
·        They have not known about the problem.
·        It (the dog) has not eaten its food.
·        Charles and Stephen have not arrived yet.
Kata yet sering digunakan dalam kalimat negatif dan biasanya ditempatkan pada akhir kalimat.
Contoh :
·        I have not finished my homework yet.
·        She has not typed the letters yet.
Kata never juga sering digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif.
Contoh :
·        I have never fallen in love with her.
·        I have nevereaten in the restaurant.
·        I have neverbeen there.
·        He has never met me.

3.  Kalimat Tanya/Interrogative
a.       Yes-No Questions

Have/Has+S+been+N/Adj./Adv.of Place?
Contoh :
·        Have you been a teacher for about ten years?
·        Has he been sick for two days?
·        Have you sent the letter?
·        Has Dewi finished her homework?
·        Have they known about the problem?
·        Have Charles and Stephen already arrived?

b.       WH-Questions


Contoh :
·        Why have you been here?
·        What has he done?
·        How long have you lived here?
·        How long have you finished your homework?
       Catatan :
1.     Kata when tidak dapat digunakan dalam present perfect tense.
2.     Kata tanya who yang dipakai untuk menyatakan subjek langsung diikuti oleh have/has dan V-3.
Contoh :
·        Who has written the novel?
·        Who have done it?
·        Who has stolen the car?

4. Kalimat Negative-Interrogative
Haven’t/hasn’t+S+been+N/Adj./Adv. Of Place?
Contoh :
·        Haven’t you read the book?
·        Hasn’t Dewi been in jakarta for ten days?
·        Haven’t you sent the latter yet?
·        Haven’t they arrived?

B.   Fungsi
Present perfect tense digunakan untuk :
1.     Menyatakan sebuah tindakan yang terjadi pada suatu waktu tertentu yang tidak diketahui di masa lampau:
·        He has never climbed a mountain.
2.     Menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau tindakan yang baru saja terjadi atau baru saja selesai dikerjakan. Dalam konteks ini kata  just sering digunakan:
·        Charles has just arrived (Charles baru saja tiba.)
·        The childrenhave just gone to sleep.
(Anak-anak baru saja tidur.)

3.     Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang mulai terjadi di masa lampau dan masih  terjadi sampai sekarang atau masih ada kaitanya dengan waktu sekarang. Dalam hal ini kata for dan since sering digunakan:
·        Mr. Conrad has worked at SMU St. Ignatius Loyola Labuan Bajo for ten years.
·        I have lived in yogyakarta since 1990.
4.     Menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau kejadian yang terjadi berulang-ulang sebelum waktu sekarang:
·        I have failed the final test three times.

C.   Keterangan Waktu
Keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan adalah:
          Already                Since November             yet
          Recently               Since last week              never
          Several times        For two days                 just
          Since 1990           For three months           lately
          Kata keterangan waktu seperti yesterday, last night/week/month/year, atau two hours/days/weeks/months/yers ago tidak boleh digunakaan dalam kalimat present perfect tense.

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